Try out this tutorial that shows you how to make your own gift bag using two fat quarters of fabric and ribbon.  Fun way to gift wine, spirits, cookies and more!

1) Start with two pieces of fabric 12" wide by 15" high. Cut a 36" piece of  1  1/2" wide ribbon.


2) With right sides together, sew each piece down the side and across the bottom.   


3) Using the piece of the outside fabric first, pull the bottom edges to form two triangles.  Mark 1  1/2" in from the point.  Sew along the two marks. Cut off the tips of the two triangles. The bag will now have a flat bottom.  Repeat for the lining fabric.


4) Fold the 36" piece of ribbon in half.

5) Turn the outside piece right side out and sew the ribbon 3" down from the top along seam.


6) Pin ribbon to outside piece and pull the lining over the outside piece so that right sides are together.  Pin in place along the top edge.  Stitch 5/8" from the edge leaving a 2" opening.  Turn the lining into the bag.




7) Top stitch 1/4" from edge and unpin ribbon.